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Get to know the alumni of the Pennsylvania Gamma of Phi Delta Theta. Also, any Almuni that would like to be featured on this page, please contact us!

If you are a Pennsylvania Gamma Alumni, please contact us! We would love to hear about what you are doing now, and how Phi Delt has impacted your life.


To the right is our Alumni Brick Paver Walkway, that was completed this past Fall thanks to Former President Gordon Mathews. There are plenty of bricks still avaiable. If you are interested in purchasing one, they are $75 per brick, please contatct us!


Alumni News

Brothers, we will be relaseing our Homecoming schdeule soon, so please look for it in the mail. Also, we launched our own private group on LinkedIn for current brothers and alumni! The group is called: Phi Delta Theta PA Gamma Chapter. So, if you have a LinkedIn account, please join our group to network, or just to stay in touch!

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